Mental wellbeing in the workplace

No matter what is happening in someone’s personal life, the discipline of the workplace can be reassuring. As reported by HR news in Oct 2022, in times of crisis, employees often turn to their employers for stability. Indeed, 85% of workers believe their employer should play a role in supporting their mental health and wellbeing. 

Not surprisingly, 23% of people have admitted a decline in their mental health since summer 2022 (Lattice and YouGov). In fact, the World Health Organisation has recently found that one in seven adults of working-age have a mental health disorder.   

This is not an issue that is going to disappear, so be prepared to offer a range of solutions to your workforce.

Early intervention can pay off by preventing more serious issues manifesting, which could affect the entire organisation. This is where Retreat Box fits in. It is an easy and convenient solution for employees to invest in their own self-care and resilience building.

Research has consistently shown that self-care builds resilience. Everyone needs to feel grounded and centred within themselves to perform well at work. 

Retreat Box has an acclaimed decision making assessment tool that can be used as part of our bespoke package.  This gives you in-depth insight into how stress is affecting your employee work performance.

“A sense of belonging is vital for our wellbeing”